How Internal Pipe Technologies Saved Nashville's HOA: Reviving Glendale Square

In the heart of an upscale Nashville neighbourhood lies Glendale Square, a charming homeowners association (HOA) comprising 14 individual homes. Built in 1975, this community had long been cherished for its lush surroundings, particularly the towering, mature trees that added immense value to its properties. Among these natural treasures was a magnificent Magnolia tree that once graced the center of an island within the court. Unfortunately, a few years ago, Glendale Square faced a significant problem: roots from these majestic trees had infiltrated their sewer laterals and mainline, leaving them with a challenging decision—remove the beloved Magnolia tree or find an innovative solution to their pipe problems.

The Pipe Problem

The roots in Glendale Square’s laterals and mainline were causing blockages and damage, leading to sewage issues within the community. Initially, the solution seemed to be the removal of the magnificent Magnolia tree, a painful decision for the community. Yet, even after the tree’s removal, the problem persisted, and it became clear that this wasn’t an isolated issue limited to one tree. The HOA soon realized that they couldn’t simply remove every mature tree in the neighborhood.

Finding the Right Solution

Enter Happy Hiller, a trusted partner that guided Glendale Square toward a solution. With their assistance, the HOA discovered Internal Pipe Technologies (IPT), a leading pipe lining manufacturing company. It was a turning point for Glendale Square as they embarked on a journey to save their pipes while preserving their cherished trees.

The Dream Team and Operations Schedule

Internal Pipe Technologies wasted no time in assembling an A-team, collaborating with Happy Hiller and the Carolina Pipelining Company to devise an operations schedule aimed at completing the project within a tight 10-day timeframe.

The project kicked off with the lining of approximately 400 feet of 8-inch mainline sewer, spanning four sections from manhole to manhole. Remarkably, this was inverted and cured in a single installation on the first day. Following the mainline’s successful rehabilitation, the Carolina Pipelining Company’s team expertly handled the lateral reinstatements. Once their work was complete, they left the site, leaving Internal Pipe Technologies and Happy Hiller to commence the second phase—lining all home laterals.

Project Execution

The home laterals presented a complex challenge. Each lateral exited from the homes as 4-inch pipes before transitioning to 6-inch pipes, some running at lengths exceeding 75 feet to connect with the mainline. This meant that the teams had to navigate through finished basement cleanouts and navigate very tight 2.5-foot crawl spaces filled with ductwork and other infrastructure items. The 6-inch liners were installed through 4-inch cleanouts. Precision was key, as each liner had to align perfectly with the mainline to ensure a seamless installation.

In total, approximately 1,300 feet of liner was installed and completed in just eight days, two days ahead of the initial schedule. The project not only met but exceeded expectations, showcasing the expertise and efficiency of the collaboration between Glendale Square, Internal Pipe Technologies, Happy Hiller, and the Carolina Pipelining Company.

Results and Benefits

The results were nothing short of extraordinary. Glendale Square’s pipe system was not only restored but significantly improved in terms of durability and longevity. This project became a testament to the power of innovative pipe lining solutions, as the neighborhood could now enjoy the benefits of a fully rehabilitated sewer system while preserving their beloved trees.

Testimonials and Satisfaction

The HOA board members and residents of Glendale Square couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome. They shared their heartfelt appreciation for the project’s success and the remarkable pipe lining product by Internal Pipe Technologies. It was a win-win situation—preserving their trees and ensuring a reliable, long-lasting pipe system for the community.


The story of Glendale Square is one of collaboration, innovation, and preservation. Thanks to the dedication and expertise of Internal Pipe Technologies, Happy Hiller, and the Carolina Pipelining Company, a beautiful neighborhood in Nashville has not only saved its trees but also secured a brighter, sustainable future for its residents. This project exemplifies the transformative power of choosing pipe lining solutions over the removal of nature’s treasures.

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